List of courses and books I used to become a Java developer

  1. Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17 (sections 1 – 5);
  2. Java: The Complete Reference, Eleventh Edition by Herbert Schildt (chapters 1 – 10);
  3. (tasks 1 – 4). The next courses I used during the practice with foxminded tasks until I switched to “Basejava”;
  4. Alishev Java for beginners free course;
  5. Alishev Git for beginners;
  6. Practical Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5 (sections 1 – 2);
  7. Mockito: Next-Level Java Unit Testing (sections 1 – 2);
  8. Maven Tutorial – Manage Java Dependencies in 20 Steps (not available);
  9. Apache Maven: Beginner to Guru (Because the previous course is not available, you can use this. It is more advanced. I still use it);
  10. Alishev Java Course (sections 1-2, 5-7);
  11. “Basejava” ( – G. Kislin). The next courses I used during the “Basejava” as additional materials:
  12. Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions
  13. Linux Mastery: Master the Linux Command Line in 11.5 Hours (used as a reference);
  14. The Complete Java Certification Course (as a reference);
  15. The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2022: Go from Zero to Hero
  16. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java (sections 2, 4, 5);
  17. Java Interview Guide : 200+ Interview Questions and Answers (1 – 10);
  18. Learn Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5 in 20 Steps (section 1);
  19. Design Patterns in Java (used as a reference);
  20. Modern Java – Learn Java 8 features by coding it
  21. Java Multithreading, Concurrency & Performance Optimization
  22. Spring для начинающих (sections 1, 3, 4, 8);
  23. Java core interview questions. The next courses I used after my first employment.
  24. Getting Started with Spring Boot 2
  25. Master Java Unit Testing with Spring Boot & Mockito
  26. RabbitMQ & Java (Spring Boot) for System Integration (sections 1 – 9);
  27. Apache Kafka for Developers using Spring Boot[LatestEdition] (sections 1 – 8, 13, 19)
  28. SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture (as a reference)
  29. OpenAPI: Beginner to Guru (as a reference);
  30. The Linux Command Line Bootcamp: Beginner To Power User (as a reference);
  31. Spring Professional Certification Exam Tutorial – Module 05 (as a reference);
  32. Spring Professional Certification Exam Tutorial – Module 01 (as a reference);
  33. Spring Security Zero to Master along with JWT,OAUTH2 (sections 1 – 4);
  34. The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp (sections 1 – 5);
  35. Torben Janssen Persistence Hub – JPA for beginners course

Alex Nikiforov

Hi! I'm a full-time Java developer in a fintech company. I am a self-taught developer and I got my first job as Java Developer in 2021.

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