Hi there!
My name is Alexander Nikiforov. Welcome to my personal blog.
Let me introduce myself.
I graduated from Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) with a master’s degree in electrical engineering in 2010.
After that, I was in infrastructure the construction area where I had different engineering and management positions.
In 2020 I decided to change my career path, and my choice was Java enterprise development.
I’ve got my first offer as a developer in August 2021.
Currently, I’m working for a fintech company called “Freedom Finance Bank” which is a part of an international company called Freedom Holding Corp (https://www.freedomholdingcorp.com/).
In work in projects built with microservice architecture. I use the following technologies:
- Java 11;
- Spring Framework (Spring Boot 2, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Spring AMQP);
- Hibernate;
- SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL;
- Maven;
- RabbitMQ;
- Git;
- Thymeleaf;
- JUnit5, Mockito;
- Tomcat;
- Linux.
I love to explore software engineering, so in this blog, I will post guides and lessons about development with Java Platform and about IT in general.
You can contact me via the contact form or using the following contacts:
- email: nikiforov.java@gmail.com;
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-nikiforov/.